285 research outputs found
Prisforholdet mellom å leie leilighet og å kjøpe leilighet i Oslo
Masteroppgave økonomi og administrasjon BE501 - Universitetet i Agder 2018Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å undersøke forholdet mellom leiepris og omsetningspris
for leiligheter i Oslo. Internasjonalt har det blitt gjennomført flere studier av slike forholdstall
i andre land og byer, men få er gjennomført med data fra det norske boligmarkedet. Vi
behandler data fra to separate markeder, herunder markedet for solgte boliger og markedet for
utleieboliger. Disse refererer vi til som henholdsvis eiermarkedet og leiemarkedet.
DiPasquale og Wheaton sin 4-kvadrant-modell er det mest sentrale teoretiske grunnlaget for
oppgaven. Modellen er en langsiktig likevektsmodell som kobler markedet for bruk av
boligareal med eiermarkedet for eiendom, som gjør den relevant for oppgaven. Vi tar
utgangspunkt i den hedonistiske pristeorien ved estimering av prisfunksjoner. I tillegg
inkluderer vi Alonso-Muth-Mills-modellen om lokalisering, og Georg Akerlofs teori “Marked
for Lemons”. Disse komplimenterer drøftingen av funnene i analysen.
I analysen benytter vi 2538 observasjoner for eiermarkedet fra Eiendomsverdi, og 306
observasjoner for leiemarkedet fra Finn.no, i tidsperioden januar og februar 2018.
Informasjonen som var vesentlig å samle inn var omsetningspris, fellesgjeld,
primærromstørrelse og beliggenhet for de solgte boligene, og månedsleie, primærromstørrelse
og beliggenhet for utleieboligene. Bydelene i Oslo brukes som beliggenhetsindikator. Vi
definerer en ny avhengig variabel for eiermarkedet som vi kaller totalpris. Denne består av
omsetningsprisen og en andel av fellesgjelden knyttet til boligen. Vi benytter to metoder ved
beregning av forholdstall. Den første metoden baserer seg på estimert leiepris og estimert
totalpris. Vi benytter her semilogaritmisk funksjonsform, ettersom denne passet best for våre
data. Den andre metoden baserer seg på faktiske priser i markedet. Med utgangspunkt i
observasjonene i leiemarkedet forsøkte vi å finne en likest mulig solgt bolig, basert på
beliggenhet og størrelse. Bruk av to ulike metoder gir et bedre grunnlag for tolkning av
boligmarkedet i Oslo.
Våre resultater viser at det ikke foreligger et helt fast forhold mellom leiepris og totalpris i
Oslo i tidsperioden. Vi finner derimot at forholdet mellom leiepris og totalpris varierer med
beliggenhet. Videre finner vi en svak tendens til at forholdet varierer med
Metabolomics identifies placental dysfunction and confirms Flt-1 (FMS-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1) biomarker specificity
Clinical end-stage parameters define the pregnancy disorders preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction while classification of the underlying placental dysfunction is missing and urgently needed. Flt-1 (FMS-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1) is the most promising placenta-derived predictive biomarker for preeclampsia. We aimed to classify placental dysfunction in preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction at delivery by metabolic profiling and authenticate the biomarker Flt-1 for placental dysfunction. We studied 143 pregnancies with or without preeclampsia and/or fetal growth restriction delivered by cesarean section. Metabolic placenta profiles were created by high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the resulting placental phenotypes obtained by hierarchical clustering. Placental Flt-1 expression (membrane-bound and soluble isoforms combined) and maternal serum Flt-1 expression (soluble isoforms) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and ELISA, respectively. We identified 3 distinct placenta groups by 21 metabolites and diagnostic outcome parameters; normal placentas, moderate placental dysfunction, and severe placental dysfunction. Increased placental Flt-1 was associated with severe placental dysfunction, and increased serum Flt-1 was associated with moderate and severe placental dysfunction. The preeclamptic pregnancies with and without placental dysfunction could be distinguished by 5 metabolites and placental Flt-1. Placental Flt-1 alone could separate normal pregnancies with and without placental dysfunction. In conclusion, metabolomics could classify placental dysfunction and provide information not identified by traditional diagnostics and metabolites with biomarker potential were identified. Flt-1 was confirmed as precision biomarker for placental dysfunction, substantiating its usefulness for identification of high-risk pregnancies for preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction with placental involvement.acceptedVersio
Metabolic profiles of placenta in preeclampsia using HR-MAS MRS metabolomics
Introduction Preeclampsia is a heterogeneous gestational disease characterized by maternal hypertension and proteinuria, affecting 2–7% of pregnancies. The disorder is initiated by insufficient placental development, but studies characterizing the placental disease components are lacking. Methods Our aim was to phenotype the preeclamptic placenta using high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HR-MAS MRS). Placental samples collected after delivery from women with preeclampsia (n = 19) and normotensive pregnancies (n = 15) were analyzed for metabolic biomarkers including amino acids, osmolytes, and components of the energy and phospholipid metabolism. The metabolic biomarkers were correlated to clinical characteristics and inflammatory biomarkers in the maternal sera. Results Principal component analysis showed inherent differences in placental metabolic profiles between preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies. Significant differences in metabolic profiles were found between placentas from severe and non-severe preeclampsia, but not between preeclamptic pregnancies with fetal growth restricted versus normal weight neonates. The placental metabolites correlated with the placental stress marker sFlt-1 and triglycerides in maternal serum, suggesting variation in placental stress signaling between different placental phenotypes. Discussion HR-MAS MRS is a sensitive method for defining the placental disease component of preeclampsia, identifying several altered metabolic pathways. Placental HR-MAS MRS analysis may improve insight into processes affected in the preeclamptic placenta, and represents a novel long-required tool for a sensitive placental phenotyping of this heterogeneous disease.acceptedVersio
Implementering av pasientbrev for nedtrapping og seponering av benzodiazepiner og benzodiazepinliknende preparater : ved Gågata legesenter
Benzodiazepiner og benzodiazepinliknende preparater (BoBLP) er de mest brukte legemidlene mot angst og søvnforstyrrelser, og medfører et betydelig misbrukspotensial samt risiko for toleranseutvikling. Avhengighet kan oppstå etter 2-4 ukers bruk innenfor terapeutiske doser. Seponering etter jevnlig bruk kan til tider gi alvorlige abstinenssymptomer. På tross av at nasjonale og internasjonale retningslinjer anbefaler korttidsbruk av BoBLP, er langtidsbruk fortsatt et utbredt fenomen. Vi ønsker i denne oppgaven å kartlegge effektive tiltak for å redusere langtidsbruk av BoBLP, og på bakgrunn av dette skissere et forbedringsprosjekt for en allmennpraksis.
I eksisterende litteratur ble hovedsakelig to intervensjoner identifisert; (1) minimal intervensjon; for eksempel å gi enkle råd i form av brev, og (2) systematisk nedtrapping; behandlingsprogrammer ledet av lege eller psykolog. Det er evidens for effekt av begge de identifiserte intervensjonene. Vi valgte minimal intervensjon med utsending av brev som hovedtiltak i vårt forbedringsprosjekt.
Forbedringsarbeidet går ut på å skissere et opplegg for å implementere bruk av informasjons- og motivasjonsbrev for å initiere nedtrapping og seponering av BOBLP, samt oppfordre til timebestilling for evalueringssamtale. Tiltaket skal implementeres ved hjelp av informasjonsskriv og kollegabasert terapiveiledning for de involverte allmennlegene. Vi ser for oss en prøveperiode på 6 måneder før vi, basert på våre indikatorer, evaluerer tiltaket.
Vi konkluderer med at det er behov for et slikt tiltak, og at de foreslåtte intervensjonene er rimelige, lite arbeidskrevende og effektive
Primary Treatment Effects for High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Evaluated by Changes in Serum Metabolites and Lipoproteins
High-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is the most common and deadliest ovarian cancer subtype. Despite advances in treatment, the overall prognosis remains poor. Regardless of efforts to develop biomarkers to predict surgical outcome and recurrence risk and resistance, reproducible indicators are scarce. Exploring the complex tumor heterogeneity, serum profiling of metabolites and lipoprotein subfractions that reflect both systemic and local biological processes were utilized. Furthermore, the overall impact on the patient from the tumor and the treatment was investigated. The aim was to characterize the systemic metabolic effects of primary treatment in patients with advanced HGSOC. In total 28 metabolites and 112 lipoproteins were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in longitudinal serum samples (n = 112) from patients with advanced HGSOC (n = 24) from the IMPACT trial with linear mixed effect models and repeated measures ANOVA simultaneous component analysis. The serum profiling revealed treatment-induced changes in both lipoprotein subfractions and circulating metabolites. The development of a more atherogenic lipid profile throughout the treatment, which was more evident in patients with short time to recurrence, indicates an enhanced systemic inflammation and increased risk of cardiovascular disease after treatment. The findings suggest that treatment-induced changes in the metabolome reflect mechanisms behind the diversity in disease-related outcomes.publishedVersio
Decidual and placental NOD1 is associated with inflammation in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies
Introduction: Inflammation is a normal physiological process that increases to harmful levels in preeclampsia. It affects the interaction between maternal immune cells and fetal trophoblasts at both sites of the maternal-fetal interface; decidua and placenta. The pattern recognition receptor nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein (NOD)1 is expressed at both sites. This study aimed to characterize the cellular expression and functionality of NOD1 at the maternal-fetal interface of normal and preeclamptic pregnancies. Methods: Women with normal or preeclamptic pregnancies delivered by caesarean section were included. Decidual (n = 90) and placental (n = 91) samples were analyzed for NOD1 expression by immunohistochemistry and an automated image-based quantification method. Decidual and placental explants were incubated with or without the NOD1-agonist iE-DAP and cytokine responses measured by ELISA. Results: NOD1 was markedly expressed by maternal cells in the decidua and by fetal trophoblasts in both decidua and placenta, with trophoblasts showing the highest NOD1 expression. Preeclampsia with normal fetal growth was associated with a trophoblast-dependent increase in decidual NOD1 expression density. Compared to normal pregnancies, preeclampsia demonstrated stronger correlation between decidual and placental NOD1 expression levels. Increased production of interleukin (IL)-6 or IL-8 after in vitro explant stimulation confirmed NOD1 functionality. Discussion: These findings suggest that NOD1 contributes to inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface in normal pregnancies and preeclampsia and indicate a role in direct maternal-fetal communication. The strong expression of NOD1 by all trophoblast types highlights the importance of combined assessment of decidua and placenta for overall understanding of pathophysiological processes at the maternal-fetal interface.publishedVersio
Risk assessment models for potential use in the emergency department have lower predictive ability in older patients compared to the middle-aged for short-term mortality - a retrospective cohort study
Table S1. Comparison of Baseline characteristics of the TRIAGE II study and TRIAGE III study. Patients above 40 years were included in the current study Table S2. Comparison of AUCs of individual predictors in discriminating short-term mortality of ED patients, grouped according to age: 40–69 years (middle-aged), and 70+ years (older). Figure S1. Area under the Curve (AUC) for Receiver operating characteristics for all-cause mortality within 7 days for acutely admitted patients. Comparison of patients aged 40-69 (Middle-aged, blue colour), and patients aged 70+ (Older, red colour). The graph presents four different approaches of risk assessment of patients acutely presenting at the emergency department. Two different triage algorithms; Adaptive Process Triage (ADAPT) and Copenhagen Triage Algorithm (CTA), a predictive model using four vital signs (heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and systolic blood pressure), and a predictive model using levels of seven routine biomarkers (albumin, creatinine, c-reactive protein, haemoglobin, leucocytes, potassium, sodium). (DOCX 241 kb
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